Wednesday 29 January 2014

Many Minutes from Today's meeting

Homeless Count poster Wednesday January 29, 10:00pm-2:00am
American Winter documentary:
co-host with Peace and Justice, BSU, Sociology Department, Economics Department
movie $150 for rent
Beloit Legal Society: co-hosting debate about Minimum Wage
Museum Exhibition:
Estiaque will work with James to facilitate the event
describe club’s mission and ask for any ideas about regular volunteering hours
Stateline GED classes
need for teaching the class
and for babysitting! help children w/ hw, activities, etc.
Rally w/ Vandana Shiva
assistance from Occupy Wall Street!: resources for advertisement off-campus
on-campus advertising: team up w/ Peace and Justice, Slow Foods, etc.
Regular meeting time:
Sunday 3:00pm@ SC 117
Separating Executive meeting from Regular meeting?
Regular meeting activities + 20 mins of Executive planning
ALWAYS contact Estiaque for advertising needs
different people can help w/ posters
overall goal: sustainable actions
what are local problems?:
lack of education; ie. GED class
  • unemployment;
  • drugs;
  • expensive driving lessons/licences;
mentorship for young minorities; connections w/ ccoc(ie, Girls who Rock, church, Merrill Community Center)
high rates of STDs; possible collaborations w/ BPHI
need for bilingual mentorship
Plan for next week’s meeting?:
discussion about education inequalities 
~Sudan Garner